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Veterans Find New Opportunities in Trucking

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Safety is a key component in the trucking industry. It is one of the most critical factors of any trucker on or off the road. This has attracted the attention of military veterans and they have helped to lessen the trucking crisis.

Veterans Find Familiarity in Trucking

Commitment to safety has always been a staple of military veterans. Likewise, experienced truckers have found themselves to be the safeguard of America’s roads. The American Trucking Association has stated that the number of truck-involved fatalities fell between 28% between 2001 and 2010. Transportation trucks have improved their safety drastically.

Veterans Know Safety Is Key

Careless motorists and changing weather conditions create some of the largest accident statistics in the country. As a result, having a veteran behind the wheel of a truck provides a sense of safety for many trucking companies looking for new hires. Each driver has to be able to think on their toes and what better people than the men and women who serve our country.

Many Have Previous Trucking Experience.

A large factor in why companies turn to veteran hires is their military experience. Thus, many veterans who move into the trucking industry after their service have the exact qualifications that most trucking companies look for. Whether it is driving military vehicles, fueling or mechanic experience, most servicemen and women greatly surpass the experience needed to land a job in trucking.

Teamwork, Goal Oriented, And Leadership skills

Veterans have a background in working and communicating with others effectively is crucial and vets have it! Discipline is another factor. Having a well-disciplined employee means they are punctual and they see the job through to the end. Their drive and determination are bar-none the best any employer could ask for.

A career in the trucking industry can be the ideal match for the men and women who serve our country. Also, as a prerequisite for experience, veterans have what it takes. Since the trucking industry has hit an all-time low in new employment, now is the best time to search for your future career path post-service.

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